LiPo Battery Safety

If you’re using LiPo’s in your aircraft and charging them at home then you probably know that they are a serious fire hazard, should anything go wrong.  Do we want to burn our houses down in pursuit of our hobby?  No. Those LiPo-safe bags that you see everywhere?  Utterly useless.  Throw it in the …

2023 Annual General Meeting

The AGM is to be held at 10.00am on Saturday 1st July 2023 at the flying field, followed by a bbq lunch. All members are encouraged to attend to vote on current issues and determine a new committee. Any members wishing to nominate for a position should contact a current committee member. Flying is welcome …

Business as Usual at the Club

Lake Macquarie Council recently asked for submissions from tourism operators in regard to utilising specific parcels of land within the local council area.  One of those parcels happened to be our flying field, overlooking our 40 year custody of the site,  and casting doubt over the club’s future. The committee is now pleased to confirm …