The Great War comes to Teralba!

After 3 or so years of construction, Phil finally flew his 1/6 scale Sopwith F1 Camel, built from a VK (Proctor) kit.  That made for two maiden flights within two days for Phil.  Surely a world record.
The model is finished in the livery of Harry Cobby of 4 Sqdn, Australian Flying Corps.  Cobby was the AFC’s top scoring fighter ace of the war.
The aircraft flew well after the elevator was given some down trim.  A big thanks to Johno for sorting out the poorly tuned engine beforehand.

Notice of 2019 Club AGM

Information from the club secretary:
To all Members,
Please note that the Annual General Meeting for LMMAC is scheduled to be held on Saturday June 22nd 2019.
This will be at 53 Griffen Rd Teralba (club airfield) to start at 10:00 AM.
A General Meeting will be held first and we will discuss the need for electric powered aircraft to have a disarming switch/ system as an added safety precaution., plus other general business.
The AGM will then be held to elect club officials for the financial year 2019/2020.
The meeting will then be followed by BBQ for members and then the field will be re-opened to flying.

Control-Line Flying Now at the Club!

LMMAC has gone back to the future and is setting aside a control-line flight area as part of the flying field.
All budding and experienced control-line pilots are welcome to come and give it a try.
No doubt many of us will be giving it a go!
Here is a picture of the editor’s very first model aircraft.  Maybe it will bring back a few memories (if you’re old enough…)

Flite Test – Great resources for modellers

Whilst on holiday recently I was looking through YouTube and these guys came up on my “What To Watch” feed. I subscribed to their channel and took a look at the site and was really impressed by what I saw.

Their main interest seems to be small electric, depron and occasionally FPV models. They review commercial kits from other manufacturers as well as designing and building their own creations. There is an active forum with over 10,000 members and lots of free downloads.

I like their attitude a lot and I can respect the fact that they have taken a hobby and turned it into something of a career. They’ve certainly got me interested again!

The following information is from their own site:

Flite Test was created for people passionate about flight. Our hope is to create a show for the people that build and fly planes and helicopters as a hobby. They are the dreamers and engineers that get a thrill from the first launch of a maiden flight. The show will personify the veteran and the beginner alike giving them a chance to share common experiences with others, in turn, enhancing the RC community. The goal is to develop a creative outlet that allows us to work in our passion daily. Flite Test is designed to empower our audience. It has just enough humor, technology and information to appeal to the RC flight crowd as a whole. We hope to entertain, educate and elevate our viewers as we move forward with quality content.

I’ll be keeping an eye on their projects and will post any interesting videos or links here.

Do You Have a First Aid Kit?

Being the accident prone father of two that I am, I am more aware than most of the importance of having a First Aid Kit within easy reach at all times.

We had discussed the inclusion of a First Aid Kit at the field in the past and decided that, whilst too difficult to keep one safely on site, it is a good idea for pilots to ensure they have a suitable kit in their car or their flight kit.

Today I discovered in Bunnings Warehouse (Belmont being my local) that they are selling St John’s Ambulance kits at the front counter for $19.95. This seems to me to be an excellent price for a medium sized, 80 piece kit that will cover all the basics in an emergency.

The one I bought looks much like the one pictured so if you don’t already have a kit in the car, do yourself a favour and go get one.

PS – This post is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Bunnings; I just saw it and thought it was a good deal!

Video: The Shuttleworth Collection

Looking for a bit of inspiration for that next big scale project?  At 60 minutes long this is a bit of a viewing commitment but it shows a large proportion of the Shuttleworth Collection in the air, which is something rarely seen these days.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy some of the best examples of vintage aircraft in the existence (then break out the balsa and get cutting!).